
Over the past few years, the great game of hockey has changed in which the game is now a much faster and more skilled game! When you look at the NHL statistical information, you will see that players that dominate the NHL is due to their highly developed “individual skating ability and puck handling skills!” However, for 50 years, the game has been taught the same at the youth hockey level, allow only the naturally gifted players to succeed. With our proven Next Generation Innovative Skating and Skill System, the average player can advance more quickly with less time.

Whether you agree with me or not is irrelevant. It is my opinion that in any case, this is not the North American hockey players fault – it is a result of how the game is taught today. There is a greater focus in North American on ‘system’ play at all age levels. In Europe, the focus is on individual skill development. The teaching methods in North America have not significantly evolved since the ’70s’. As long as we continue to teach our kids in this manner, we will lag behind the Europeans.

My Philosophy is different. In order to develop a complete player, I utilize a radical, cutting edge technical system, which I have learned by combining the Russian and European training methodologies (not specifically taught in North America), to develop a “NEXT GENERATION” training program for North American Hockey students. When players with a strong individual drive, passion, and a serious work ethic are combined with these unique training methods, they produce unbelievable results in a manner faster than has been achieved elsewhere.

These teaching methods are built around Innovative drills that MUST be practiced repeatedly until they become second nature. Repetition is the key to success. It allows the player to focus not on skating, stick handling, or shooting. It fees the players mind, allowing him to focus on individual creativity that is now the heart of the game.

These proven Next Generation Innovative Skating and Skill System uses scientific drills that are taught in a manner that makes each player an active participant in their own development. The science behind this method, speeds up the development of players at ALL levels, as they understand what transpires with their body weight & center of gravity, in relation to the different varying balance points, as well as edge requirements based on speed and agility, allowing them to adapt quicker to future of the evolutions in the game.

I firmly believe that your hockey skills will directly be developed, related to your skating ability. You can practice your shot in the garage, in the front yard, and the playground…a number of different places. But…if you can’t get open, if you do not have balance, if you are not strong on your skates, you’ll never get the shot off to begin with. Along with skating, the next critical element is stick handling. I do not believe stick handling and skating should ever be separated. They must be taught as an integrated unit. All of the great players have been able to skate and control the puck synergistically – without thinking. This frees the mind to be creative and focus on what other players are doing and what is transpiring on the ice rather than what THEY are doing with the puck. Drill progression, with skating and stick handling, are married together – allowing each skater to perform everything at top speed, at all times! The game then slows down inside their mind, allowing then quicker reaction times as things come to them instinctively and automatically.

My focus and energies will remain in DEVELOPING players into successful players that can play at any level. Suffice it to say, that my greatest desire for all the players we develop, is that the lessons, hard work, focus, and drive, I wish to impart on each child extends well past that of their hockey career. It is my desire that these lessons provide a foundation for what can be accomplished in everything they do in their lives!